
Jay Unoptimized And Optimised

6 ratings

Jay Unoptimized And Optimised

6 ratings

Jay inspired Dancer avatar for VRCHAT (Full Body Ready) I aimed to make a simple dancer model

This Avatar package includes Both a Unoptimized And Optimised Version of the avatar.

Unoptimized Version includes - Avatar Features are A Fedora, A Harness and a tanktop, Hair, and Sunglasses and NSFW features

Face: Dante Head By Panda Bear : https://pandaabear.gumroad.com

Shoes and Glasses: By Nexvion : https://nexvion.gumroad.com/?_ga=2.233406686.1103077975.1638372952-544739472.1637129356&_gl=1*1crdv2*_ga*NTQ0NzM5NDcyLjE2MzcxMjkzNTY.*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTYzODQwNjYzMS41MS4xLjE2Mzg0MDY2NDEuMA..&recommended_by=library

Tank Top and Hat and Arm Band made by me from scratch

Pants Made By KC: https://kc3d.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=library

Hair Made By ZinPia: https://zinpia.gumroad.com/?_ga=2.190949482.1103077975.1638372952-544739472.1637129356&_gl=1*1yvzkju*_ga*NTQ0NzM5NDcyLjE2MzcxMjkzNTY.*_ga_6LJN6D94N6*MTYzODQwNjYzMS41MS4xLjE2Mzg0MDY4MjYuMA..

Harness Made By друг: https://apyr.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=library

ANY ASSETS ON THIS AVATAR MUST BE PURCHSED IF INTENDED FOR PERSONAL AND COMERCIAL USE! Disclaimer: If Dancing in Avatar Disable NSFW Features <3 Instructions for use:

1. Import SDK3

2. Import Dynamic Bones

3. Import Poiyomi Toon Shader

4. Import Avatar package

5. Click On assets folder and drag the Jay scene into hierarchy

6. Publish Avatar

Any problems feel free to message me on Discord: qest#8915

I can Help with Unity But I can not do Uploads for people Many Thanks <3


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